The latest advances on the anime of Super Dragon Ball heroes Xeno Goku and Vegeta, who will unlock an unpublished variant of the Super Saiyan 4 in the next episode to try to win Janemba, have announced news shortly.
However, the arcade video game of the same name in Japan anticipated the series by revealing an unprocessed form of transformation that Judging by the name, it will not match what is expected in the next episodes. As the insider @DBSChronicles reports, the two warriors will unlock them "SS4 Limit Breaker Ritual".
At first glance, the only major difference is the weighted management of the aura, similar to the Super Saiyan god. After all, even the name of the shape indicates this combination, Indication of a more spiritual dimension of Super Saiyan 4.
As we previously expected, this variant should differ from the form Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta will take in the next episode of the anime Super Dragon Ball Heroes. Below we report on the summary of episode 6:
"During the bitter fight against Janemba, Salsa and Putine, the demonic deities of the dark multiverse appear. At their advice Goku and his companions Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta trust their powers. A red light begins to escape from the bodies of the two Xeno Warrior while an aura of different colors envelops her ".
Has Super Dragon Ball Heroes officially decanonized Janemba?
SS4 Limit Breaker Ritual DISCOVERED !! SUPER @ ロ ニ ク ル (@DBSChronicles) August 1, 2020