After our special dedicated to the anime inspired by Street Fighter, we want to point out another initiative dedicated to the famous fighting game Capcom: it is a crossover event in collaboration with Goddess Cafe Terrace.
The announcement was shared on Twitter by the official account of Weekly Shonen Magazine, through a message that you will find at the bottom of the news. Next to the tweet there is also a poster where you can see one of the protagonists of the series accompanied by Ryu, Ken and Blanka. The famous magazine also revealed that more details about the crossover between the two works will be revealed in the next issue.
For those unfamiliar with the manga, it is a work written and drawn by Koji Seto and currently consists of five volumes. On the pages of the series the story of Hayato Kasukabe, an orphan who moved to the Japanese capital to attend high school. However, after passing the entrance exam to the University of Tokyo, he is forced to return home due to the death of his grandmother and the permanent closure of the Bar Familia he ran. When he comes back he will find that his grandmother has hired five girls and then decide to reopen the Familia.
It only remains to wait for the next few days to know more details about it original crossoverin the meantime, we recommend this cosplay dedicated to a character from Street Fighter.
『 #女神のカフェテラス』が「好きだから」という理由だけで「 #ストリートファイター」とコラボを実現させました!
まじか ✨🤣
詳しくは発売中の #マガジン 29号をチェック! 週刊少年マガジン公式 (@shonenmagazine1) June 15, 2022