A few days after the official release date of the second Spy x Family course was announced and the accompanying trailer released, a nice celebratory sketch was published online. Here is Anya Forger and her classmates in the performance of Damiand Desmond's voice actress.
After the spring dates dominated with the broadcast of the first part, the animated adaptation of follows Spy comedy directed by Tatsuya Endo is ready for his comeback. The second half of Spy x Family's first season will debut on October 1, continuing the narrative that was temporarily interrupted with the release of the twelfth episode.
To prepare viewers for the new adventures of the Forger family, the Voice actress Natsumi Fujiwarathe original voice of Damian Desmond, made a funny illustration that was posted on the anime's Twitter account.
Damian's voice drew in a very simple way, almost like a novice child would Anya with a big white dog by her side that manga readers already know very well. Damian himself, Becky Blackbell and George Glooman also appear in the sketch.
We remind you that Spy x Family is one of the best selling manga and that the second part of the anime produced by WIT Studio and CloverWorks is one of the best the most awaited releases in this last part of the year.
/# 藤原夏海 さん描き下ろし
明日の発表もお楽しみに👏#SPY_FAMILY#スパイファミリー pic.twitter.com/zFbYkqCi0l- 『SPY × FAMILY (スパイファミリー)』アニメ公式 (@spyfamily_anime) August 30, 2022