Spy x family is an anime that has managed to amaze since the first episode appeared on Crunchyroll. With the first few episodes slated for production by WIT Studio and Cloverworks, the public began to connect with Anya, Loid, and Yor, the three characters who form a very special family.
However, the first part of the first season was interrupted at a delicate moment: the Strix operation will continue, but Loid's espionage work brought him into contact with a terrorist organization. The last episode of Spy x Family before the break will continue in the second part of the anime, which now comes with a video.
TOHO Animation has released the on its official YouTube channel Spy x family part 2 trailer, most of which are devoted to the developments of this narrative arc left in limbo. Anya, Loid and Yor will face off against these terror groups, while a new family member might join them soon. Above you can see the distributed video.
That Spy x Family Part 2 is scheduled to debut on October 1, 2022 at 11:30 p.m in Japan with the new group of episodes that will accompany viewers through the fall season.