Spy x Family is a manga written and illustrated by Tatsuya Endo, an author who grew up in the 2000s and 2010s and therefore undoubtedly follows a very modern style, clean but still artistic with personality. There The story follows the Forger familyconsisting of a secret agent, a medium and an adopted child.

These three characters, the protagonists of Spy x familyIn the criminal undergrowth are Loid Forger, better known as Agent Twilight, little Anya and finally Yor, also known as Queen of Thorns. The plot revolves around the father's goal of infiltrating a diplomat's son's school, while the mother tries to keep the secret of her true profession and the little girl tries to befriend everyone.

As previously mentioned, it is Tatsuya Endo who draws these adventures, with all three trying to avoid being discovered by anyone. Endo is a mangaka of today and it is now a far cry from that style of the '60s, where the characters were very caricatured and almost Disney-esque, also thanks to the influence of the manga god Osamu Tezuka. What if Spy x Family has been redesigned in an old-school style?

The result was presented by Pamela Ojeda, a manga and anime fan, who proposed her version of these three characters. The first picture shows Anya, with faces and caricatures in a completely different drawing style, and the same goes for Loid and Yor in the second drawing. And do you appreciate more today's style seen in Spy x Family anime or this retro style?

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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