That Chapter 62 of Spy x Family, divided into three parts, tells the story of Twilight, from her childhood to her first steps as a spy. This heartwarming throwback ends with an anti-war message from author Tatsuya Endo.

there War between Ostania and Westalis ruined Twilight’s childhood. Because of this conflict, the one we now know as the Loid Forger lost his parents and friends. Driven by hatred of the enemy nation, he became a ruthless recruit. Anger blinded Twilight, at least until she encountered it frankywho managed to sweeten him with his clumsy behavior and the way he begged him for his life.

Franky’s words in Spy x Family Chapter 62.3 lead readers to ponder the true meaning of war. No one, whether in the East or the West, knows the real reason for the war and hatred between the two countries. Each side was told by their respective governments that the other was responsible for dropping the first bombs. Because of the lies told by political organizations, Civilians and soldiers kill each other without even knowing why.

These words, which fit well with the current political situation, They are initially not understood by Twilight, who since childhood saw the Ostanians as monsters who ruined his life. Twilight became a soldier out of revenge, but now Franky’s claims have wormed the worm of doubt into her psyche.

It’s only later that Twilight realizes in agony that the enemy isn’t Ostania, it’s ignorance of war. In search of the truth, he begins his career as a spy in chapter 62.3 of Spy x Family after meeting a recruiter from the WISE agency.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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