On the official Twitter account for the anime adaptation of the manga by Shinichi Fukuda, Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru (My dress up favorite) various illustrations were shared to celebrate the airing of the fifth installment in the series. First, the cover art of the project's first Blu-ray/DVD package was revealed, which will be released in Japan on March 23.
The first was conducted by Jun Yamazakiwho participated in the episode's key animation.
The second was made by Erika NishiharaCostume designer for the project.
A variety of illustrations have also been popular with independent artists over the past week. ใใ/ใญใใ (@wakikamaboko); Goshichi Shoji (@goshichi_shoji); ใใชใบ(Nhaliz) (@Naz_Nhaliz); Magion02 (@magion02); Cokyo (@Cokio10); ใกใใผใใใซใใฝใฟ (@choboraunyopomi); ๆฐทๅฎคใใ ใใใ (@himuron); hhaku (@real_haku89); ใใใใ (@KeiKei_nekokuru).
The series has been airing since January 8th and has twelve episodes confirmed on the platforms crispy roll Y entertainment takes care of the distribution in the west. For his part, Fukuda publishes the manga in the magazine Young Gangan from the publisher Square Enix since January 2018. In April 2021, the publisher published the seventh anthology, followed by the eighth on October 25 in Japan.
production team
- Keisuke Shinohara (A3! Season Spring & Summer, Black Fox, Little Witch Academia) is responsible for directing the anime at the studios CloverWorks.
- Yoriko Tomita (Beelzebub-jou no Okinimesu mama, Build Divide: Code Black, Osananajimi ga Zettai and Makenai Love Comedy) is responsible for writing and supervising the screenplays.
- Kazumasa Ishida (Kiznaiver, Saekano: How to Raise a Boring Girlfriend) is responsible for character design.
- Takeshi Nakatsuka (Augmented Reality Girls Trinary, Brothers Conflict, Magical Girl Ore) is responsible for composing the soundtrack.
Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi wo Suru Summary
Traumatized by a childhood incident involving a friend who defied his love for traditional dolls, hopeful dollmaker Wakana Gojou spends his days alone and finds solace in his high school clubroom. To Wakana, people like the beautiful Marin Kitagawa, a modern girl who's practically always surrounded by friends, are like an alien from another world. But when the cheerful, never shy Marin sees Wakana sewing one day after school, she bursts in with the goal of getting the association excited about her secret hobby: cosplay! Can Wakana's bruised heart deal with this sexy alien invasion?
Fountain: Official Twitter account
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