In a highly anticipated announcement that has energized both manga and anime communities worldwide, TMS Entertainment has confirmed the premiere date for Yuuto Suzuki’s “Sakamoto Days” the action-comedy series that has captivated readers since its manga debut. The anime adaptation will launch on January 11, 2025, bringing the unconventional story of a reformed assassin to animated life.
Premiere and Production Details
The series will debut , as part of the Winter 2025 anime season.
Production Highlights
- Studio: TMS Entertainment
- Opening Theme: “Hashire Sakamoto” by Vaundy
- Series Structure: Two-cour (Part 2 in Summer 2025)
Creative Team
- Director: Masaki Watanabe (Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero)
- Scriptwriter: Taku Kishimoto (Haikyuu!!)
- Character Designer: You Moriyama (Shingeki no Kyojin)
- Composer: Yuuki Hayashi (Boku no Hero Academia)
Voice Cast
- Tarou Sakamoto: Tomokazu Sugita
- Shin: Nobunaga Shimazaki
- Lu Xiaotang: Ayane Sakura
- Aoi Sakamoto: Nao Touyama
Manga Background
“Sakamoto Days” is Yuuto Suzuki’s first serialized manga, originating from a one-shot published in 2019. The series has been running in Weekly Shonen Jump since November 2020.
Story Premise
The narrative follows Tarou Sakamoto, a legendary former hitman who trades his life of crime for domestic tranquility after falling in love. Now working as a store clerk, Sakamoto faces the challenge of protecting his new peaceful life while dealing with persistent threats from his past, all while maintaining his vow of non-violence.
(c)鈴⽊祐⽃/集英社・SAKAMOTO DAYS製作委員会