On the official page for the anime adaptation of light novels by Wataru Watari and illustrated by Ponkan8, Yahari Ore no Seishun love comedy wa Machigatteiru ((Oregairu) the dust jacket and cover of the fourth volume Blu-ray / DVD of the third season were revealed.
This volume will be released in Japan on January 15, 2021, after being postponed from its originally scheduled date of December 30, 2020 for “production reasons”, and will contain the seventh and eighth episodes of this third season. In addition, it will contain the fourth volume in a series of short stories by Wataru Watari, an illustration brochure, and a few other benefits. Finally, the Blu-ray version costs 7,800 yen ($ 75), while the DVD version costs 6,800 yen (about $ 65).
The series premiered on July 9th in Japan and had a total of twelve episodes. Watari began publishing the light novels from Oregairu with illustrations by Ponkan8 in 2011. The series ended with the fourteenth volume, which was published in November 2019.
Synopsis of Oregairu
The romantic comedy revolves around a rather unsocial student named Hachiman Hikigaya, who has a distorted outlook on life, other than having no friends, let alone a girlfriend. Seeing his classmates happily talking about their teenage lives, he mumbles that they’re all a bunch of liars. When asked about your dreams for the future, your answer is “No work.” However, a teacher manages to enroll Hachiman in the volunteer club, in which it turns out that the most beautiful girl in the institute, Yukino Yukinoshita, is also enrolled.
Source: official page
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