Chapter 1049 of ONE PIECE it could represent the turning point capable of ending the war that ignited Onigashima. Luffy has used all his energies to defeat Kaido, risking the lives of the islanders in the process, saved by a key Mugiwara ally.

Momonosuke Oden portrays one of the main characters throughout the story arc of Wano, who is the son of the legendary Kozuki and is keen to enforce his values. The role Momo played was fundamental in a variety of circumstances, just think how she did it decided to grow up thanks to Shinobu’s powers being able to turn into a real dragon and escort Luffy to the island.

All the sacrifices Momonosuke made got him where he is, and despite all the fears and suffering he experienced, the boy managed to save all of Onigashima and the Flower Capital below. At the request of Yamato, Momo was actually able to create clouds of flames able to carry the immense bulk of the island, first supported by Kaido, and land it without inflicting casualties. What do you think of Momonosuke’s character development? Let us know what you think in the comments section.

Finally, we remind you that the animator Thurlow has responded to the criticism of episode 1018, leaving you to the images and spoilers of chapter 1050 of ONE PIECE.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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