Not that Sensei's passion for the world of Star Wars was a secret, but recently we got to see how much the author of My Hero Academia is Kohei Horikoshi love the Mandalorianand how much he enjoyed the second season of the Disney + series.

If we had also found some Easter eggs with the theme of The Mandalorian in My Hero Academia in the past, this time the mention of one of the most popular series of the moment comes from the same Author on the pages of Weekly Shonen Jump, the magazine in which his work is serialized.

To report the comment is a user on reddit who shows us the translation and illustration (spoilers?) Of the mangaka about his reaction to that second season of the show.

""I was really excited about The Mandalorian season two. I was so excited that the situation got a little out of control. Impressive!"he says, drawing a sketch of a hand (maybe referring to a particular Jedi?) with eyes, nose and mouth.

Obviously a number of "This is the way"In the comments on the post, which we all know are the right answer for these cases.

But who knows whether in the next chapters of My hero academia We will see other references and Easter eggs inspired by characters, locations and events from The Mandalorian 2 ...

Horikoshi's Author's Comment on Weekly Shonen Jump 2021, Issue # 7 by r / BokuNoHeroAcademia

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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