While the father of My Hero Academia takes a week off to recharge his energy and continue the beautiful narrative arc of the battle between Pro Heroes and Villain, the latest chapter has only increased the curiosity to discover how the story will go on, now that we are in the middle of the narrative.

In fact, if in the previous chapter we had seen Tomura driven by his new power, the All for One, to hunt for Deku and of the uniqueness that it possesses, in the last the clash between the two was only touched, while the compensation we could touch with hand all the profound determination of Bakugo who, not only does not want to be less than his rival, but wants also give a lesson a Shigaraki, with the clear objective of revenging himself from the shame suffered during the training camp and redeeming himself from the sense of guilt he feels for having “caused”, according to him, the withdrawal of All Might from the scene.

The battle between the two aspiring heroes and the fearsome Shigaraki was only touched because, on the most beautiful, just when their paths were about to cross, Gran Torino he intervened, taking the two away and saying, without half measures, that Tomura is currently out of their reach.

But the thing that thrilled the fans more than any other was the ending. When a furious Eraserhead swears to the bearer of the All for One of get it out, while instructing him to leave his students alone. Obviously, the declaration of war was greeted by the villain with sarcasm and madness, heralded a new chapter focused on a fight to the death between the two.

If the next one will focus on this clash, we cannot know it, what we know, however, is that we will see some beautiful ones. What do you think of this new clash that is looming on the horizon?

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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