Izuku Midoriya presents herself as a shy, awkward protagonist with no special powers and therefore discriminated against within society My hero academy has undergone incredible development over the now more than 300 chapters of the manga created by Kohei Horikoshi, but what were his best moments?
It is this question proposed by user @ CheesierKarma70 that has generated a significant response from the community on social networks, as shown by replies and posts, some of which are displayed below how much Deku was able to engage readers and viewers in his story. In a society where heroes are a widely accepted reality, it's difficult to come out and prove that you can handle dangerous and complicated situations, but Midoriya has pulled it off on several occasions since although it is without quirk tried to save his childhood friend Bakugo in the first chapter of the play.
Other key moments in the character's development that fans fondly remember were, for example, the rescue drill where everyone actually underestimated Deku's skills and stamina, or even thatgreat and tiring fight with Muscular. What do you think was the most significant and spectacular event in Deku's life? Leave a comment below with your answer.
To finish, we let you discover all the references of Spider-Man in My Hero Academia and a fantastic cosplay dedicated to Mirko.
What was your favorite Deku moment(s)?#MyHeroAcademia #Documentary pic.twitter.com/dNOQ2sw044
— EJ Kuso (CW: Kaguya / Re: Zero) (@ CheesierKarma70) February 25, 2022
When Deku tries to save Kacchan even though he had no quirks.. He just saved the kid who told him to die 🥲 pic.twitter.com/qrXhE6Xnxa
- Bias Nuansa Citra Pawestri (@biaspawestry) February 26, 2022
It's nothing special, but I've always loved that scene pic.twitter.com/pHKB3cFUey
- VIBE: DEADLY (@DOOM_SLYR) February 26, 2022
Deku, coming in to finish what Lemillion started, is a personal favorite, one who kind of gets lost in all the weirdness that follows. pic.twitter.com/tNSNRRSBoZq
- PointlessParker (@AboySgolfclub) February 26, 2022
This one 👇 https://t.co/vXPo0zf8XF
- AC3 🟢ブツブツ 🟢 (@ Class1AC3) February 26, 2022