The upheavals of My Hero Academia that Kohei Horikoshi immortalized in the final chapters of the manga surprised everyone. And Chapter 307 of My Hero Academia closed with an important return.
With Deku and Muscular face to face againis the right time to see how much the hero has improved over the past few months, especially in the brief time jump that occurred at the end of My Hero Academia 306. Although hooded, Muscular recognized Deku’s voice and for that it is unlikely that the young hero can escape. Likewise, Midoriya knows that civilians are nearby and that Yo Shindo is badly injured so he cannot back away.
For this it is very likely that in My Hero Academia 308 we will review Deku VS Muscular, a clash that acts as a rematch to that of the summer camp, in which the protagonist achieved a painful victory. It is possible that Kohei Horikoshi decides to end this struggle of sheer power within a few pages in order not to maintain the situation in the long run but still give an overview of the new state of Deku.
My Hero Academia 308 will be released on MangaPlus on Sunday April 4th at 6:00 p.m. in English and Spanish.