Over the course of these long decades, countless animated or paper productions have emerged that have proved capable of winning the attention of a large section of the public, but far fewer have actually been able to establish themselves as pillars of the industry, works including epic of Mobile Suit Gundam.
The rich and popular branded franchise Yoshiyuki Tomino has managed to impose itself strongly on the market, with countless productions that have been able to keep busy a very rich audience always interested in any production related to the brand, including manga, animated series, films, video games, gadgets and much more.
Among the many parallel works that made their appearance on the scene, there is also Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt, a manga created by Yasuo Εtagaki that has been able to be appreciated by many users. Subsequently, the work also saw the arrival of some dedicated films, namely December Sky and Bandit Flower. Well, it has recently been officially announced that both films were made available on Prime Video, the Amazon dedicated streaming service. In truth, the films had already been released in the past on Youtube for a short period, but the news will surely make the happiness of all fans of the saga who have never had the opportunity to enjoy the two chatted animated productions.