On the official Twitter account for the franchise Assault Lily, it was announced that the voice actress Minami Tsuda will join the cast of voices of the anime adaptation of the project, titled Assault Lily Bouquet, playing the character Soraha Amano.
🌈 「# ア サ ル ト リ リ ィ BOUQUET」 追加 キ ャ ラ ク タ ー & キ ャ ス ト 公開 🌈
本 日 よ り 全 4 回 に 渡 っ て 毎 週月曜 日 に 順次 公開 予 定 ❣️
第 1 弾 と な る 本 日 は 天野 天 葉 役 # 津 田美波 さ ん で す ✨
コ メ ン ト も 頂 き ま し た の で 、 ぜ ひ ご 覧 く だ さ い ♪ pic.twitter.com/lr8fEd7G3q
– ア サ ル ト リ リ ィ 公式 (@assaultlily_pj) June 22, 2020
The series was scheduled to premiere in July of this year, however, due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on production, the decision was made to delay the premiere until October.
For its part, Assault Lily Project is a multimedia franchise that is based on a line of 1/12 scale figures manufactured by the company Azone International and the creative group Acus in 2013. The cast members also participated in the adaptation to the play of Bushiroad, Assault Lily: League of Guardians that was presented in Tokyo between January 9 and 15, 2020.
Cast of voices
- Hikaru Akao like Riri Hitotsuyanagi.
- Yuuko Natsuyoshi like Yuyu Shirai.
- Mikako Izawa like Nouvelle Johan Kaede.
- Rimi Nishimoto like Fumi Futagawa.
- Laughter Tsumugi like Tazusa Andou.
- Haruki Iwata like Thi Mai Yoshimura.
- Sana Hoshimori like Shenlin Kuo.
- Hikaru toono like Yujia Wang.
- Karin Takahashi as Miriam Hildegard Von Gropius.
- Rie Takahashi like Shiori Rokkaku.
Production team
- Shouji Saeki is in charge of directing the anime in the studios Shaft.
- Mieko Hosoi is in charge of character design with the assistance of Kazuya Shiotsuki.
- Takehiro Suwa is in charge of the animation direction.
- Akito Matsuda is in charge of the composition of the soundtrack.
Synopsis of Assault Lily Bouquet
On Earth in the near future, humanity faces the imminent annihilation on the part of a mysterious giant creatures known as “the Huge”. The entire world unites to confront this threat, and they successfully develop the weaponry known as “CHARMS” combining science and magic.
The “CHARMS” demonstrate high rates of synchrony with teenage carriers, and the girls who use “CHARMS” are considered heroines known as “Liliums”. Throughout the world, “Garden” institutes are established to train teens in the use of “CHARMS” and confront the Huge. This will be a story about girls seeking to become the defense of humanity.
Source: Natalie Comic
© AZONE INTERNATIONAL ・ Accus / ア サ ル ト リ リ ィ プ ロ ジ ェ ク ト © AZONE INTERNATIONAL ・ Accus / 舞台 ア サ ル ト リ リ ィ プ ロ ジ ェ ク ト