Through an official press release, Marvel Comics announced that he has reached a new agreement with legendary cartoonist John Romita Jr. that will mark the end of his tenure in the DC Comics universe.

After working on titles like Daredevil, The Amazing Spider-Man and Uncanny X-Men over a decade ago, John Romita Jr. is set to return to the US Lineup of Marvel Comics Artists. Romita’s “debut” is planned for July, when the Extreme Carnage event, for which there is no official illustrator yet, begins.

“”I have been very lucky many times in my life and now I can add this event to this list. I went back to Marvel, the company I started my career at, and I couldn’t be more excited. “said the writer. “”Right now I’m working on my next big Marvel project and it’s great! “.

The son of famous illustrator John Romita Sr., Romita Jr., wore at the age of only thirteen years oldwhen he designed a villain who inspired the creation of The Prowler. He made his official debut in 1977 with a six-page story in The Amazing Spider-Man. Romita Jr. stayed on the Marvel team for decades, moving to rival publisher in 2016. During this time he designed numerous series in the Batman universe.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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