In the past few weeks, rumors have been circulating online about a possible anime adaptation of Kaminaki Sekai no Kamisama Katsudo. The rumors have been officially confirmed: the Manga series written by Akashiro Aoi and illustrated by Hangetsuban Sonshou receives an animated transposition.
The opening of the official social profiles has cleared all doubts. In the near future, Kaminaki Sekai no Kamisama Katsudo will become an anime series. The confirmation also comes from the company Hero's Inc., which shared well seven sales-promoting key visuals to accompany the announcement. These promotional images show the main characters Yukito and the god Mitama in different forms of expression.
Known internationally as What God Does in a World Without Gods, the Manga was published in Monthly Hero's magazine in 2019 tells the story of Yukito, the questionable heir to the cult. Having died by accident, he is reborn in a world where the concepts of God and religion do not exist.
At the moment, the details of the anime adaptation have not been announced. In fact, the name is the animation studio who will be following the project, or the staff working on the anime. Given that Akashiro has overseen the scripts of numerous anime such as Classroom of the Elite, this role is likely his turn. If you can't resist the hunger of Isekai, we'll leave you to the review of Netflix's Thermae Romae Novae.
Kaminaki Sekai no Kamisama Katsudou TV Anime Adaptation Announced with 7 Key Visuals.
- AIR (Anime Intelligence (and) Research) (@ AIR_News01) April 26, 2022
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