It has been a few years since Studio MAPPA first aired the episodes of Jujutsu Kaisen, an anime adaptation of Gege Akutami’s manga series published in Weekly Shonen Jump. The highly anticipated second season is approaching and there is a lot of information being revealed. Recently, the opening and ending themes for Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2, character designs, posters and more have been confirmed.
A few weeks ago, the first trailer for Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 was released, giving fans a glimpse into the upcoming story. The trailer focused on the past, with Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto’s stories being highlighted. However, fans are eagerly waiting for the next trailer. With the anime set to debut in early July 2023, there are less than two months left and fans are eagerly anticipating new promotional material.
The popular anime series Jujutsu Kaisen, based on the manga by Gege Akutami, is set to release its second season soon. Studio MAPPA, which produces the show, has been teasing fans with character designs, posters, and theme songs. Recently, the studio also released the first trailer for the new season.
It gives a glimpse into the past and the stories of Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto. However, fans are eagerly waiting for the next trailer, which will likely focus on the first arc of the new season. Studio MAPPA has planned a stage event on May 21, 2023, where they will unveil the next trailer. With just under two months left until the anime debuts in early July, fans are excited to see what the studio has in store for them.
Thankfully, Studio MAPPA has scheduled a stage event on May 21, 2023, where the next trailer for Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 will be released. Fans can expect the new trailer to delve deeper into the initial arc of the season, providing a better understanding of what to expect in the upcoming story. Overall, Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 is shaping up to be an exciting continuation of the anime series. Stay tuned for more updates!”
— 『呪術廻戦』アニメ公式 (@animejujutsu) May 10, 2023
「#懐玉・玉折 」
OP主題歌#キタニタツヤ 「青のすみか」
ED主題歌#崎山蒼志 「燈」
さらに5/21のSTAGE MAP にて