Among the various reasons why JoJo's Bizarre Adventures has managed to establish itself as one of the most appreciated paper and animated productions of the last few years - not without some difficulty - it is impossible not to mention the various characters who, thanks to their charisma, have conquered the public.
With their own extravagances and uniqueness, those of JoJo have become some of the most appreciated and talked about protagonists and villains of all time, a success that has materialized in an audience always ready to praise the series with cosplay and fanart often made with great care and they proved capable of further expanding the success of the reference production.
Well, this time, to have caught the attention of the web we find Speed K, Reddit user who has decided to pay homage to the series with a magnificent fanart. As you can see from the image at the bottom of the news, the drawing showcases our well-known Jotaro together with its Stand Star Platinum, both intent on observing us within a carefully crafted urban environment. The work can also show off a huge amount of detail and an obsessive attention to every little detail - albeit with a less "marked" style than that seen in the series -, with a final result that is nothing short of splendid that has been able to earn the praise from many users.
Before saying goodbye, we also remind you that just recently the staff that worked on the series has revealed possible news on JoJo Vento Aureo's Le Bizzarre Avventure.
[Fanart] Jotaro & Star Platinum from r / StardustCrusaders