On the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga, written and illustrated by Hotondo Shindeiru, Isekai Ojisan (Uncle from another world) it was announced that the series will resume airing from the first episode on October 6 in Japan. The eighth episode, which has been postponed indefinitely, is now scheduled to run until November 24 if there are no further interruptions.

The anime's production committee indefinitely delayed the airing of the eighth and subsequent episodes earlier this month, citing the rapid rise in COVID-19 infections at the studios. Atelier Pontdarc and other studios involved in the production of the anime. Instead, the anime will re-air episodes three through six in September. The anime has already suffered a two-week delay in its fifth episode from its scheduled airing of August 3-17 due to a similar spread of COVID-19 in the studio.

On the other hand, the series has been airing since July 6 and is confirmed with a total of thirteen episodes. Hotondo Shindeiru Publish the manga through the service comic walker from the publisher Kadokawa since June 2018 after posting it on my own via Twitter and Pixiv for some time.

production team

  • Shigeki Kawai is responsible for directing the anime in the studios Atelier Pontdarc (founded by Tsunaki Yoshikawa, one of the White Fox producers who left the company this year).
  • Kenta Ihara (Death Parade, Vinland Saga, Zankyou no Terror) is responsible for writing and supervising the screenplays.
  • Kazuhiro Oota (Kimi no Iru Machi, Negima!?, Paniponi Dash!) is responsible for character design and animation direction.
Isekai Ojisan

Summary by Isekai Ojisan

Fall 2017. Nephew Takafumi drove to the hospital to visit his uncle who had just woken up from a seventeen year coma. However, it seems that he has lost his mind as he claims that during all this time he has been in another world called "Great Bahamar" and even seems to speak a foreign language. But everything changes when his uncle, an ordinary person, shows him that he learned to do magic in the other world. Realizing that the magic his uncle is using is absolutely real, Takafumi suggests that he use his skills to become a successful YouTuber. Takafumi and his uncle now take care of him and begin to embrace the streaming life while his uncle tells him about his life in the other world from time to time.

Font: Weird Natalie


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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