After years of requests, WIT Studio has released the animated adaptation of one of the most famous historical Seinen manga to the public. After an excellent first season, now is the time for Vinland Saga 2 to tell a story another point in Thorfinn's lifethe young blond Viking confronted with life.
It is known, however, that Manga written and illustrated by Makoto Yukimura is way ahead. Thorfinn has overcome many vicissitudes in comic book history and now seems very close to his ultimate goal, which is certainly not easy to achieve. However, one thing is certain: Vinland Saga is coming to an end and the author has decided to reiterate this via Twitter.
In fact, Yukimura is very active on the Bluebird portal, posting not only in Japanese but also in English, connecting with fans from all over the world. And precisely in a double post, written both in his native language and in English, he explains that the story will be finished shortly. However, there is a but. "To everyone waiting for Vinland Saga, I'm sorry I took a break from work this month. The story will be finished soon, but I'm worried about how to finish it now. My physical condition is perfect. sorry to worry you I'm sure I'll come up with a good story shortly. Please wait a month. Wishing you you a happy new year."
So there is one Doubts about the end of the Vinland saga. The turn that the story has taken in the last few chapters certainly leaves no room for a peaceful ending, but perhaps Thorfinn and his companions can smooth over any inconveniences that the warmongers have created. Will the Sensei be able to end it all with a brilliant ending?
My physical condition is perfect. I'm sorry to worry you. I'm sure I'll come up with a good story soon. Please wait a month. Happy end of the year everyone.
— 幸村誠 (@makotoyukimura) December 23, 2022