In Japan, an exhibition is entirely dedicated to the character of Yoshihiro Togashi, the creator of Hunter X Hunter. Finally, the manga resumed serialization after several years of hiatus dictated by the Sensei’s health, which to this day has not drastically improved.

Yoshihiro Togashi’s health remains precarious. He himself has updated readers on Twitter over the past few months about the status of work on the new chapters, which have been going under significant physical strain. Although Hunter x Hunter is back, it’s hard to say how long the manga will keep us company as the sensei had to work several months early to return to the weekly release of Weekly Shonen Leap.

At least on the occasion of the exhibition organized by shueisha just in honor of the figure of the master, Togashi He dedicated the following comment to his readers: “Thank you for visiting the exhibition. I hope you enjoy the various tricks of the trade and the exclusive information. I’m making slow progress due to health reasons, but I’ll keep making new tracks.

However, how many chapters do you think Hunter x Hunter will continue? As usual, let us know what you think with a comment below.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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