For several chapters now the three mafia families are presented by Kakin. The triad consists of Onior Longbao's Xi-Yu family, Brocco Li's Cha-R family, and finally Morena Prude's Heil-Ly family. However, the latter gives up some problems in the final chapters Hunter X Hunter.

Morena Prude is actually trying to subvert the hierarchies as her family is one of the newest and this has led to the alliance between the Xi-Yu family and Cha-R which the Ghost Brigade has also joined. So Nobunaga ventured into the Heil-Ly family hideout along with Hinrigh Hunter x Hunter 399. The samurai and gangster continued to explore the room they were teleported to and only the last remaining door leads to a room where some members of the enemy family are seated around a table while conversing.

Seemingly calm since the invasion, they watch the invaders but keep talking Hinrigh prepares to attack with a knife from afar. The blade fails due to enemy techniques while a second attempt is blocked by a magazine. The group's attorney, Yokotani, also endowed with Nen power, appears and is almost killed by Nobunaga. However, thanks to his power, he summons an army of invincible toy soldiers who kidnap both invaders.

Shortly before capture, however Hinrigh manages to place the transmitter in the laundry room of this hideout, causing the signal to lag behind in the enemy base. The two are then teleported to another location and decide to part ways. Now it's your turn to understand what will happen in the last chapter before the break Hunter x Hunter 400.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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