Written and illustrated by the official site for the anime adaptation of the manga Koi, Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?, the event "Gochiusa Summer Festival 2020", which will take place between August 1st and August 31st of this year, has been announced.
The festival has planned six events. The first is carried out via the franchise's official channel and consists of free distribution of all franchise series. The second consists of an online puzzle solving game that starts on August 7th. The prices for users who manage to solve the puzzles include a total of ten limited shirts. Third, it involves launching a browser game that is available on the official website.
Fourth, there will be a vote among fans to choose their preferred musical themes, which will be performed in the franchise that ends on August 16 at 11:59 p.m. (Japanese standard time). Fifth, there will be a number of Twitter releases that include special campaigns where followers can receive prizes. Finally, the sixth project includes the start of the first five volumes of the manga digitally and free of charge.
Koi The release of the manga Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? Started in the magazine Manga time Kirara Karat from the publisher Houbunsha The publisher published the eighth compilation volume in September 2019. The work inspired an anime adaptation that was released in April 2014 and animated by the studios. white fox;; followed by a second season that was released in October 2015. A third season will be premiered in October this year under the production of the studios. Encourage films.
Synopsis of Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?
Cocoa Hoto enters the Rabbit House Café, provided there are rabbits they can live with. What Cocoa discovers is that it's actually her dorm run by the owner's daughter, Chino Kafuu, a shy little girl with an Angora rabbit on her head.
Cocoa quickly becomes friends with Chino and from that point on she will experience a new life with new friends. A comedy story and life stories with a high sugar content.
Source: Natalie comic
(c) Koi は 芳 文 社 社 / 注 文 O BLOOM 製作 委員会 で す か?