On the occasion of Anime Japan 2021, Netflix has released two promotional videos of the new series EdenIt was directed by Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Director Yasuhiro Irie, which was originally scheduled for late last year but was postponed to May 27th due to the production slowdown due to the pandemic.
In the two videos that you can find at the bottom of the news, both of which were released on Twitter through the official Netflix Japan Anime report, the style that has emerged from and will characterize the collaboration between Qubic Pictures and CGCG Studio has been definitely presented Miniseries with four episodes with little Sara, apparently the only person in a corner of the world who is completely inhabited by robots.
In addition to a first trailer and a key art, only the speakers for the four main characters were announced for the time being, namely Marika Kono for Sara, Kentaro Ito and Kyoko Hikami for E92 and A37, the robots that became the protagonist’s parentsand finally Kouchi Yamadera for the antagonist Zero. While A37 and E92 show a particular interest in humans, Zero seems determined to quench their thirst for destruction.
Below is the official description of the series: “The upcoming science fiction series is set thousands of years in the future in which a city is called Eden Eden 3 is inhabited exclusively by robotswhose owners disappeared a long time ago. During a routine task, two farming robots accidentally wake a person out of stasis, doubting everything they had led them to believe that people are nothing more than an ancient myth. Together, The two robots secretly raise the child in a shelter outside of Eden. “
《メ ガ 盛 り ス テ ー ー》
– Netflix Japan Anime (@NetflixJP_Anime) March 27, 2021
情報 情報 2⃣ 配 信 信 決定 決定 最新 PV 解禁!
Netflix オ リ ジ ナ ル ア ニ ニ メ リ リ ー ズ
🤖 『エ デ ン ン』
5 月 27 日 よ り 全世界 全世界 独占 配 信 決定# 入 江泰浩 監督 × 世界 の ク リ エ イ イ タ 陣 陣
ロ ボ ッ ト だ け が 暮 ら す 世界 世界 < エ デ ン > で
目 覚 め た 少女 ・ サ ラ の 物語。# ネ ト フ リ ア ニ メ # AnimeJapan2021 pic.twitter.com/0bWQLam6LO
《メ ガ 盛 り ス テ ー ー》# ネ ト フ リ ア ニ メ 2⃣ 『『 デ ン 』
– Netflix Japan Anime (@NetflixJP_Anime) March 27, 2021
ロ ボ ッ ト に 育 て ら れ た 人間 人間 の
サ ラ を 演 じ じ # 高 野 麻 里 佳 さ ん
((@ marika_0222) が 登場 ✨
CG の 動 き が が や か か で タ タ イ リ ッ シ ュ
だ と い う 本 作。
中 で も サ ラ は 特 に よ く 動 動 、
こ ろ こ ろ 変 わ る 表情 が 魅力 と の こ こ!
5 月 27 日 全世界 独占 配 信 信 ス ー ー ト 🤖 pic.twitter.com/uuNND3bprJ