Dragon Ball Z is one of the most epic anime of all time. The story of Akira Toriyama, who has been raising generations of children around the world since the ’90s, reached its climax thanks to the sagas against the Saiyans, against Freeza, against the androids and finally against Majin Buu. These are some of the best Dragon Ball sagas.
Everything revolves around Goku, of course. Dragon Ball’s Saiyan protagonist faces challenge after challenge against seemingly invincible opponents. This Super Saiyan Goku character with his enemies from 500 euros, it absorbs the whole epic of the Akira Toriyama saga.
In the center is of course the transformed protagonist, with his blond hair on his head, while the clothes are partially torn. His facial expression is calm, but the aura around him radiates strength and power. Behind him a huge Shenron dragon, while at the base stand out the three main enemies: Freeza, Cell and Majin Buu. Everything is perfectly decorated, especially at the base where the two dragons Shenron and Polunga intertwine.
there Dragon Ball Z style figure created by Huben Studio costs €285 in regular 1:6 version, €385 in 1:4 version and finally €585 in 1:6 EX version. Available from Q2 2023 and available for pre-order already, it would be a special addition to any Dragon Ball Z fan’s shelf. Ditto for this full strength Kid Buu figure.
– Majin Store (@MajinStore) October 17, 2022
🔥HUBEN STUDIO – Goku & Villains – DBZ
💶Price: €285 1/6 Reg. – €585 1/6 EX – €385 1/4
💰Reserve: €80 – €100 – €150
✈️Envío Incluido Peninsula
📏Tamaño: 39-60-58 cm high
📦Fecha de Salida: Q2 2023
📩Para Reserve MP pic.twitter.com/7sbkE8SFaX