The first part of Dragon ball written by Akira Toriyama gave us the character of Goku, who to this day is one of the most famous in terms of anime and manga. By destroying the canonical rule of the Shonen of the young protagonist, Goku grew up and had a son, Gohan, who would later become a very important character in Dragon Ball Z.
As with the other characters, we saw Gohan grow up and go from kid to kid and then to student. Let’s see what that is five most important moments for his growth in Dragon Ball Z..
Inevitably the first crisis faced with the arrival of Raditz on earth and the death of his father is the first event that irrevocably marks Gohan’s life. He had to face his uncle, who showed his tremendous potential, and was then permanently separated from his family and forced to live in the wild with Piccolo. There Piccolo’s death During the struggle with Nappa, it was the second element that triggered a startling growth in Gohan’s mind. After the fear of fighting was removed, he really started counting and making his contribution to the Namek saga.
Two more deaths are at the center of the third and fourth moments that irreversibly shaped Gohan’s life, and both occurred in close proximity. The reference refers to the Destruction of C-16 in the hands of Cell, who initiated the reaction and transformation into a second level Super Saiyan, and the Goku’s death shortly thereafterthat Gohan suffered and that he saw it as his fault for the excessive arrogance displayed during the fight with Cell.
The final one has to get through Gohan’s high school days, a moment when it seemed like the medium Saiyan would become the new protagonist of Dragon Ball Z. During the first period in Satan City met Videl, Daughter of Mr. Satan, with whom he was first friends and then a romantic connection that lasted until the end of the saga.
According to fans, Super Gohan doesn’t have a lot of space in Dragon Ball and therefore its growth is interrupted so that Dragon Ball Z will get the best character growth.