Dragon Ball Super 2 is the anime everyone is waiting for its announcement. TOEI Animation has been working on the project for several years and according to numerous rumours, the sequel will involve Naohiro Shintani. In any case, after a few months, we finally return to talk about the future of the franchise.
According to the words of Iyoku, editor-in-chief of V-JUMP, a new project related to Dragon Ball will appear in 2022, barring unforeseen events. However, the anime sequel is a mystery as the animation studio is doing everything it can to hide the project despite the many rumors floating around.
After several months of silence, motivated by the latest film, the masterpiece followed Akira Toriyama which recently made its debut, the Insider dbs2019 has finally shared new information about the saga. The source would have learned that a TOEI animation They regularly work on a weekly Dragon Ball Super anime, however, it is not made clear if this is the official sequel or not. However, from what we've learned, it's the anime in question it wouldn't be Super Dragon Ball Heroesbut another project associated with the franchise.
Therefore, based on what Iyoku has said so far and the rumors of the last few years, we can only hope that the project in question is accurate DB Super 2. And you instead, what do you think of this update? As usual, please let us know by leaving a comment in the appropriate box at the bottom of the page.
To my knowledge, production is well underway for a weekly Dragon Ball anime project (some kind) and pre-production is underway for a movie sequel to DBS: SH.
I'm not saying the weekly anime is a DBS trademark, but it's not SDBH.
It's coming soon. #shovels https://t.co/1L9TKbjlIj-dbs2019 (@dbs20191) June 21, 2022