A planet on the verge of collapse, an enemy who seems unbeatable, and two friends and a child who must be protected. So Goku, exhausted after a strenuous fight, prepared to face again against Freeza, who survived the mighty Genkidama, a fight that from that moment on would change his life and that of himself Dragon ball.
Krillin’s death was just the straw that broke the camel’s back the moment Goku decided to let go of all the anger that was scratching his body. It seems almost ironic that today in Dragon Ball SuperThe Super Saiyan has become obsolete, a force that is no longer sufficient to keep up with the sphere of the divine. But how did Master’s brilliant idea come about? Akira Toriyama? In an old interview, the sensei replied:
“”Feeling that there was a limit to bare strength, I kept wondering to the point of exhaustion what I could do to keep going. Actually, I didn’t originally plan for Goku to become a Super Saiyan. When I later became convinced of the Super Saiyan idea, I had to make sure that Goku had suddenly gained immense power. I thought, “I have no choice but to change his appearance as well.” But in terms of design, the facial expressions and the rest would have come close to that of a villain. That’s why I asked myself, “Who knows if it’s really right for him to be like this?” However, since his transformation is dictated by anger, I often told myself that “this part is okay”. In the end, it was a pretty radical concept. “
The idea of ββthe Super SaiyanHence, it was the only hypothesis that Toriyama decided not to discard in the end when the time came for Goku to unleash his new power-up, as the sensei theorized more possibilities for his protagonist. And you, what do you think of his words instead? Please let us know as usual with a comment below.