One manga genre that has been quite successful in Japan, largely thanks to female audiences, is the romantic comedy, also known as the romcom. One of the recent romcoms to have great success is Dear Yamada at Lv999!serialization of which began in 2019 on the pages of Ganma magazine.

Dear Yamada at Lv999! is a protagonist-seeing shojo manga written and illustrated by Mashiro Akane, a young video game enthusiast who is dumped by her boyfriend for another girl. One day during a gamer meetup, Akane meets her ex with her new flame, which inevitably embarrasses her. So the poor girl decides to pretend she has a new boyfriend by using a player she just met as such.

The Insider @MangaMoguraRe wrote in his tweet that in the next few days Mashiro will be making a big announcement regarding Loving Yamada at Lv999!. Could an animated adaptation of the work be on the way? Akane's adventures already contain 65 chapters, enough to attempt the production of a film or short series of about 12 episodes.

The Story of Loving Yamada at Lv999! it brings us back a lot to the feelings we had while watching and reading Wotakoi! Love is hard for otakuFujita's gamer-based romcom that received an 11-episode anime available on Amazon Prime Video.

We leave you in Wotakoi! Love is complicated for Otaku on Prime Video and the Wotakoi spin-off announcement! to the end of the manga

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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