A new promotional video for the anime adaptation of the video game has been shared via the official Netflix account on Twitter. Cyberpunk 2077which is titled Cyberpunk: Edgerunner. This new preview shows us the spectacular animation work that TRIGGER studios will offer us in each of the ten episodes listed.
Not satisfied with this, it is also possible to see several scenes full of sex scenes and some others with gore content, so it is suggested that this series will not have censorship.
A new visual for the series starring Lucy has also been released. It is worth remembering that the premiere of the series is scheduled for next September 13 worldwide on the aforementioned platform.
voice output
- KNOW like David.
- Aoi Yuki like Lucie.
- Hiroki Touchy like Maine.
- Michiko Kaiden like Dorio.
- Takako Honda like kiwi.
- Wataru Takagi like Pilar.
- Tomoyo Kurosawa like Rebekah.
- Kazuhiko Inoue like Faraday.
- Yurika Hino like fame.
- Kenjirou Tsuda like Ripperdoc.
production team
- Hiroyuki Imaishi (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, kill, kill, Promare) is responsible for directing the anime at the studios Deductionsupported by Masahiko Otsuka and creative director Hiromi Wakabayashi.
- Yo Yoshinari (Little witch academy, Brand new animal) J Yuto Kaneko You are responsible for character design.
- Yoshiki USA (SSSS.Gridman, Promare) J Masahiko Otsuka They are responsible for writing and supervising the scripts.
- akira yamaoka (silent Hill) is responsible for composing the soundtrack.
Synopsis for Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
The ten-episode series tells the story of a homeless boy trying to survive in a futuristic world obsessed with high technology and body modification. With nothing left to lose, this boy decides to move on by becoming an edgerunner, a mercenary also known as "cyberpunk".
Font: Official site
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