Akira Toriyama and her Dragon Ball have been a source of inspiration for all contemporary shonen cartoonists. Among them is Mikio Ikemoto, assistant to Masashi Kishimoto who is now working on Boruto: Naruto the Next Generations, which celebrated the next Dragon Ball 40th Anniversary.
In which In 2024 Dragon Ball will be 40 years old Since its debut and to celebrate this important milestone, Shueisha has launched the Dragon Ball Super Gallery Project initiative. Each month, one of the Shonen Jump writers is called upon to pay tribute to Akira Toriyama’s legendary work by redesigning one of his covers.
If he was the author of Dragon Quest last month, he pays tribute to Dragon Ball, for which fifteenth appointment at the Gallery Project is Mikio Ikemoto to have been questioned. The illustrator of Boruto: Naruto the Next Generations has decided to redesign the cover of Dragon Ball Volume 7, in which teenagers Bulma and Goku ride motorcycles. In Master Ikemoto’s version, the stylistic trait is completely different, and the point of view of the drawing is also different. It doesn’t change the fact that Goku is holding onto Bulma’s pants.
Mikio Ikemoto was Kishimoto’s assistant from 1999 to 2014 and together with him he made Naruto. He is currently working on the sequel Boruto. We remind you that Masashi Kishimoto previously participated in the Dragon Ball Super Gallery project.
Mikio Ikemoto redraws the cover of Dragon Ball Volume 7 to celebrate the series’ 40th anniversary, the illustration is included in the upcoming Saikyō Jump issue.
— Abdul Zoldyck (@ Abdul_S17) September 29, 2022
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