The anime of Boruto it goes on very slowly compared to the paper counterpart. In fact, Studio Pierrot builds a plot parallel to that of the manga in order not to get too close to the latest events and to have as much space to make original episodes.

The large volume of filler episodes has discouraged many fans from attempting to resume the series, which is why a Boruto canon episodes guide is available on our pages. For now July 17 is in the spotlightwhen Shueisha i will hold Jump Victory Carnivalan event where the publisher was to unveil the latest news about the franchise.

On this date, it is therefore reasonable to expect news about the continuation of the main storyline in the anime, a hypothesis that is reinforced by the latest V-Jump leaks. The saga dedicated to Codeso it should Start early 2023. But before that Pierrot study intends to fill the waiting time with several filler episodes dedicated to the character in question. We don't know if staff will announce other important information about the series at the event, such as a new animated film, but we'll keep you updated in anticipation of more news.

And you on the other hand, what do you expect next July 17th? As always, please let us know with a comment below.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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