While it is true that the mangas Boruto: Naruto Netx Generations It’s not very lucky as it is in a crisis phase, otherwise we can say for the anime, which continues to be one of TV Tokyo’s flagship titles. Indeed, it appears that the staff has received some satisfaction from the popularity of the customization.

As Boruto’s anime prepares to faithfully revise the manga’s original events, employees celebrate its success with a slight increase in their salaries. Shuhei NakataIn fact, one of the directors who produced the television series recently shared a Twitter confirming some improvements inherent in the project.

The first, to which it relates, specifically concerns a Increase to the unit price for a layout of approx. 1000 yen (just under € 8), a decision that was made in agreement with the manufacturer. Second, Nakada confirms the arrival of three new animation directors for the project who will help the staff dispose of the work, as well as several overseas animators who have had the opportunity to show off their talent in previous episodes. Finally, the director added that he was working hard on other improvements, a symptom of a production that is more responsive to the needs of the staff. There aren’t many reported cases of wage improvement, news to bring joy as the industry has been blamed for ridiculous wages for workload for years.

And you, on the other hand, what do you think of these improvements? Let us know what you think about this with a comment below.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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