In July 2022, the Boruto anime introduced new opening and closing themes. A few weeks later that opening theme gets a reissue. Here’s what we can expect from the new video clip.
The debut of the Kawaki Ninja Academy Arc brought with it a new pair of acronyms, the Opening 11 “Kirarirari” by Kana-Boon and the ending “Biboroku” from Lenny Code Fiction. With less than ten episodes of their debut, the clip of the first of the two songs is reworked.
According to what has been translated and reported by Twitter insiders @Rocha_Luana and @Abdul_S17, a member of the production team at Studio Pierrot, the animation studio behind the Boruto: Naruto the Next Generations anime, the next installment in the series will be a surprise . Boruto Episode 269 will include one second version of the current 11th opening of the adaptation. According to the proposals, this will be “much more powerful”.
The remake of the opening “Kirarirari” could Make suggestions as to what will happen over the course of the next few episodes of the anime, which according to several original sagas could also be moving in the same direction as the manga. Currently, the focus is entirely on Kawaki, Himawari, and their new classmates, including Princess Kae, but somehow the story arc could reintroduce the members of the Kara organization.
This is the original tweet, I wanted to quote retweet but the account is private so I couldn’t.
— Abdul Zoldyck (@ Abdul_S17) 09/30/2022
Second, “very powerful” could refer to either the addition of new scenes or a shift in colour/tone. So I suggested keeping expectations low and waiting for the episode.