Following Team 10’s culinary mission in Boruto 257, the next original episode of the anime series switches sides. In Leaf Village, the Hokage’s title is nothing more than Naruto? The new village chief of Konoha offers to take part in the new film of the Kagemasa series that Boruto loves so much.

During theEpisode 257 of Boruto, Naruto is asked to direct a movie and play the role of himself, the seventh Hokage, in the new feature film of the series “Kagemasa”. However, overworked, Naruto asks a Konohamaru Sarutobihis former student to take his place and play the role of Hokage in his place.

Naruto is the person who respects Konohamaru the most and is more than honored to take his place. Not only that, will Konoha Hokage it was his secret dream since he was a mischievous child. However, the situation on the film set is not what Konohamaru expected.

The former master of the new Team 7 is completely disoriented and gets some feedback from the film’s assistant director. Hence, they decide on a backup plan make the film even more interesting. Soon it will be time for a vacation in Boruto for the Uzumaki family. And you, do you follow this original anime?

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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