The swordsmen of the mist are back in the new original anime arc Boruto: Naruto the next generations. As the land of water tries to resist the attack of the Funato pirate clan, we discover Buntan Kurosuki’s sad love story.

If in Boruto 243 we lived the story of Kagura who through her story managed to move the resistance, the new installment of the series focuses on the lived in the prison of the owner of the Fanged Swords.

Although Kagura has decided to break the seal that has imprisoned her, the three swordsmen of the Nebula are divided into Boruto 244. On the one hand Hebiichigo runs away Having betrayed Kagura’s trust at the first opportunity, Buntan and Kyoho decide to do their part in the resistance.
Buntan states that he can never betray Kagura’s trust as he is the only one who stayed by her side even when everything went wrong. Through a flashbackwe relive the time before the new Swordsmen of the Mist escaped from captivity.

Shizuma Hoshigaki, the group’s new leader, convinced his “beloved” Buntan to flee with him. However, Shizuma poisoned the food of the other inmates, including his girlfriend’s, to take advantage of the panic and escape undisturbed. for the shame Buntan never told this story to anyone. However, his broken heart calls for revenge.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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