A recent leak claimed the manga was written and illustrated by Tsubasa Yamaguchi, Blue period, will have an anime adaptation. It is worth noting that the work will receive an important announcement in the third edition of the 2021 magazine Monthly afternoon from the publisher Kodansha, on January 25, 2021 so that the leak could be confirmed there.
Yamaguchi started publishing the manga in the magazine Monthly afternoon from the publisher Kodansha The publisher published the eighth compilation volume on September 23 and the ninth on January 21, 2021 in Japan.
Synopsis of the blue period
Yataro Yaguchi is a sophomore who is bored with his normal life. He studies well and plays with his friends, but he doesn't really enjoy any of these activities. Bound by the rules, he secretly envies those who dare to do things differently.
This is until you discover the joy of drawing. When Yataro sees a painting by a member of the Art Club, he is fascinated by the colors used. Then, in an art exercise, he tries to convey his language by using color instead of words. After this experience, Yataro is so engrossed in this activity that he decides that he wants to do it for the rest of his life. But there will be many obstacles in your decision, including your parents.
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