Asta has shown himself several times in both the manga and the anime with the armor derived from the power of his demon. For a long time in Black clover We only saw a partial form that was exploited thanks to a concession by the mysterious dark being housed in the protagonist. This made Asta a figure camouflaged in black.

The black aura covered part of his body and sometimes gave him wings, but that has changed from radical in the last few chapters Black clover. The protagonist has actually made a friendship with love, which allows him to take full advantage of the demonic powers. This caused Asta to take on a completely different and this time total shape.

In fact, Asta had been using the Devil’s Union since fighting the giant demon that attacked the Kingdom of Klee, but it had never been seen in color. With Chapter 287 of Black Clover posted on Weekly Shonen Jump for the past few hours, Tabata has brought a cover and opening color page, which are also available on MangaPlus, where we’ll see what that is Color palette of the new version of Asta.

The protagonist can also be seen next to Yuno in the tweet image below. You like the way it shows Color stick in this demonic form?

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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