Star Blazers: Battleship Yamato is a science fiction anime series that first aired between 1974 and 1975. Given the tremendous success she achieved, it was decided to release a series of films dedicated to the franchise, which also had a large following. In 2017, the first of seven films that will form the official remake of the series was released.

Recently the teaser of the second part of Space Battleship Yamato 2205 was shown, which will debut in Japanese cinemas these days. Yamato 2205 space battleship will adapt the second film from the original series Battleship Yamato: The New Voyage with two parts that follows Be Yamato Forever: Rebel 3199.

Although little is known about the film, Yamato has appeared on the official site of the Space Battleship remake the theme of the film. Be Forever Yamato: Rebel 3199 will adapt the original Be Yamato foreverreleased in 1980, and its tagline reads, "Change the future. The enemy is... the space battleship Yamato."

In the 1980 film, the Battleship Yamato He had to defuse a powerful bomb dropped on Earth by the Black Mist Empire. Be Forever Yamato: Rebel 3199 is expected to follow the same storyline, although the tagline suggests otherwise. The second part of Space Battleship Yamato 2205, coming to Japanese cinemas these days, will be able to say more about the future of the series.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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