On the official site for the adult anime adaptation of the manga, written and illustrated by coa momose, 3-Byogo, Yaju – Goukon de Sumi ni Ita Kare wa Midarana Nikushoku Deshita (3 seconds later, a wild animal.: The man in the corner by the mixer was indecently carnivorous) the first promotional image was published. The press release also revealed the voice actors and production team, and confirmed the planned premiere date for next April.

3 seconds later, a wild animal

The anime will premiere on the service in April. animefesta, which airs the censored version for free and the paid explicit version on Sundays at 24:00 (Japan time). It will then air on Tokyo MX and BS11 channels on Sundays at 12:00 p.m. (Japan time), and the censored version will also air on AnimeFesta’s YouTube channel. For his part, Momose began publishing the manga with the first volume distributed by the publisher. suiseisha on March 18, followed by the second on April 18.

voice output

  • Schogo Yano (censored version) and kaouraku (explicit version) as Kaname Toujou.
  • Riho Sugiyama (censored version) and Eikan Shokora (explicit version) as Tsumugi Kume.
  • Yuya Hirose (censored version) and Yuuma Aoi (explicit version) as Yuuto Azusawa.

production team

  • Ryo Nakamura (Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken, Tensura Nikki, Val x Love) is responsible for directing the anime at the studios StapleEntertainment.
  • Date Tsuyama is responsible for writing and supervising the scripts.
  • Kuribayashi Waeisu Juugo is in charge of character design while Taeko Oogi is responsible for animation direction.
  • Hiroshi Nishiyama is responsible for the inward direction of sound Studio Mausu.

Summary of 3 seconds later, a wild animal

Puppy Love manga focuses on Tsumugi, a college student who carries the trauma of an aggressive man in her past. He meets Kaname at a meeting he specifically requested for non-aggressive “herbivore”-type males. She and Kaname hit it off, and Kaname bears a bit resemblance to Tsumugi’s older brother, so she relaxes her vigilance around him. However, Kaname pretends to be a “herbivore”-type man, but he is actually an aggressive “carnivore”-type man and is able to change his behavior instantly.

The Herbivorous Man (草食(系)男子 Soushoku(-kei) danshi) is a social phenomenon in Japan consisting of males who reject marriage or courtship. They are typically described as thrifty and interested in personal hygiene. This phenomenon has also brought about a change in the Japanese economy. Men are buying products like cosmetics and candy in greater numbers than ever before, and vendors have begun to adapt to this growing population.

Source: Weird Natalie

(c)Suiseisha Inc.

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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