My Hero Academy is a blockbuster series that follows the adventures of young Yuei students trying to become professional heroes. The series is famous for its wide range of characters, each with unique abilities and distinctive personalities.

The young heroes of the series are all endowed with superpowers called Quirks that help them fight crime and protect cities. Of course, not only the young protagonists of My Hero Academia use these powers, but also various agencies and personalities who are making names for themselves all over Japan.

One of the most famous heroes of My Hero Academia is Mount Lady, a superheroine with the ability to increase her size to gigantic levels who also appeared as one of the first in My Hero Academia. Mount Lady is known for her beauty and great strength, which allows her to defeat the mightiest enemies. The character is very popular with fans of the series and is often portrayed in cosplay, where fans attempt to recreate his iconic costume.

Another popular female character among My Hero Academia's heroes is Midnight, a superhero with the ability to unleash a gas that puts her enemies to sleep. Midnight is famous for its seductive look and his provocative demeanor. The character is very popular with fans of the series and is often portrayed in cosplay, where fans attempt to recreate his costume and sadism.

The two have always been rivals, but this time they're seen together thanks to two Argentinian cosplayers, Valentina Kryp and Juliette Allegretti. No more rivalry between the two in this one Double cosplay with Midnight and Mount Ladyboth in the uniform of heroines and with the sole purpose of working together to bring justice back to the Japanese streets.

If you want to see them individually, here is a statuesque Mount Lady cosplay and a sadistic Midnight cosplay.

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A post by Valentina Kryp (@vkryp)

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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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