Warning: This Digimon Adventure (2020) review contains spoilers for the series and possible future plot developments. If you are not up to date, it is recommended not to read it.

Chapter 5 – The Sacred Digimon

The episode begins right at the point where the previous one stayed, with Taichi and Sora arriving at the sanctuary where the statues of Seraphimon, Ophanimon, Cherubimon and Varodurumon are found. The latter, through a message recorded many years ago, communicates to them that, in the past, there was a great war between light and darkness of the Digital World that resulted in the victory of light. However, anticipating a future war, the Digimon Angels prepared a message for the future Chosen Children. Later both Taichi and Sora, as Koshiro (who is on the way from the Internet to the Digital World) are attacked. Fortunately everyone overcomes adversity, and Tentomon evolves into Kabuterimon in the process.

The great war

We begin with the mandatory three minutes of presentation (minus one and a half opening) with the central plot of the series (which is already starting to get tired) and a summary of what happened in the previous episode. As commented in the summary (which is the first paragraph of each review) this episode already begins to accelerate the pace of the series, explaining the background of why the boys were called to the Digital World. I’m not going to deny it, the flashback of the war is a direct attack on both fans of the Digimon franchise and fans of Adventure (which could be said to be two different sides). According to the story, they explain that the Digimon, commanded by Varodurumon, Ophanimon, Seraphimon, Cherubimon, SlashAngemon, Rasielmon, and ClavisAngemon (I’m pretty sure the first four know them, but the last three are relatively new to the series, although SlashAngemon did a appearance in Digimon Xros Wars) faced the Digimon of the Dark Area in a great war in which the “Six Warriors” participated.


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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