Written on the official Twitter account for the manga and illustrated by Namori, Yuru YuriA picture with four character silhouettes has been published, indicating that the author will unveil his new project on July 31.
For its part, Namori The publication of the Yuru Yuri Manga started in 2008 and the publisher Ichijinsha published the eighteenth volume on May 18. The piece has inspired three anime adaptations, several OVAs and other spin-offs.
Recently, Namori was also involved in the design of the characters for the anime Let go of the Spyce and Endro ~!, published in October 2018 and January 2019.
Synopsis from Yuru Yuri
Akari Akaza meets Yui Funami and Kyōko Toshino in a school for women only. In the first year of the duo, Yui and Kyoko founded the Fun Club, which now occupies the existing Tea Club room. Shortly after Akari joined, one of her classmates, Chinatsu Yoshikawa, visited the trio with the impression that it was the Tea Club. Only when the three girls explain that the Tea Club has disbanded can they convince Chinatsu to join the Fun Club, a group with no purpose other than to provide entertainment to their members.
Source: ANN
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