On the official page for the manga series written and illustrated by Rumiko Takahashi, MAOA promotional video was released for the release of the fifth compilation volume, which was released in Japan on August 18. The video is narrated by the voice actor Ken Narita, Sesshomaru's voice in Inuyasha.
Takahashi started publishing the manga in the magazine Weekly Shonen Sunday from the publisher Shogakukan in May 2019. The publisher published the fourth compilation volume on May 18.
Takahashi is one of the most successful mangaka in history as her works have gained immense popularity both in Japan and abroad, collecting more than 200 million copies sold. The author was recognized for the manga Urusei yatsura1980 and from Inuyasha in 2001.
The author also wrote the manga Ranma 1/2, which inspired an anime adaptation released in 1989 and achieved notable success in the Western market.
MAO synopsis
The story begins when Nanoka Kiba, a high school student, has a near death experience. Because of this, he experiences bizarre events, in turn caused by the collision of two worlds, and meets a mysterious boy named Mao.
Source: Comic Natalie
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