On the official site for the light novel series written by Natsu Hyuuga and illustrated by Touko Shino, Kusuriya no Hitorigoto, it was revealed that the work has exceeded 7.5 million copies in circulation, including copies of the novels and the two manga adaptations.
Hyuuga started publishing the novels on the website Shousetsuka ni Narou in October 2011, and subsequently began its paper publication with illustrations by Touko Shino in August 2014. The publisher Shufunotomo published the ninth volume on February 28.
For its part, the manga adaptation by Nekokurage is published in the magazine Monthly Big Gangan from the publisher Square Enix since September 2017. The publisher published the sixth compilation volume on March 25.
Synopsis of Kusuriya no Hitorigoto
In an Imperial Court in ancient China, it has been a few months since a 17-year-old girl known as Maomao was kidnapped and forced to work as a low-ranking servant for the emperor's palace. Still, he manages to keep his spirit curious and pragmatic, planning to work until his years of servitude end. One day, however, she realizes that the emperor's two children have fallen seriously ill, so she decides to act in secret, using her experience as a pharmacist raised in a poor neighborhood.
Despite Maomao's efforts to remain anonymous, she soon catches the eye of Jinshi, an influential eunuch who recognizes his talent. Maomao then soon begins to gain positions in the empire, and gradually begins to make a name for himself using his knowledge and eccentric personality to solve medical mysteries.
© 日 向 夏 (ヒ ー ロ ー 文庫 / 主婦 の 友 イ ン フ ォ ス) • ね こ ク ラ ゲ • 七 緒 一 綺 • し の と う こ / ス ク ェ ・ ・ エ ニ ッ ク ス