On the official page for the manga series by Rikito Nakamura and illustrated by Yukiko Nozawa, Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no KanojoThe work was reported to have more than 200,000 copies in circulation, which were collected in two compilation volumes. The site also revealed the cover of the third compilation volume, which will be released in Japan on September 18.
Nakamura and Nozawa started publishing the manga in the magazine Weekly young jump from the publisher Shueisha in December 2019. The publisher published the first compilation volume on April 17th and the second on June 19th.
Synopsis of Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo
Aijou experienced 100 rejections and heart breaks during high school. While he was praying at a shrine, the god of love appeared before him and told Aijou that he would meet a hundred soul mates.
As great as that sounds, in the event that the relationship between you and our protagonist fails, the girl will have an accident and die. Now this has turned into a love or death situation and Aijou is forced to choose. Can his broken heart bear the burden of saving or causing a hundred girls to die?
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