On the magazine's official Twitter account Young Champion Retsu from the publisher Akita Shoten, it was reported that the manga written and illustrated by Yasuyuki Kosaka, Houkago Teibou Nisshi, will enter an indefinite pause from next July 21.

The statement explained that heavy rains in southern Kyushu impacted Kosaka's home, and that although he was not injured, he is unable to write at the moment. The area is experiencing its most aggressive rainy season in decades. The Japan Meteorological Agency ordered an immediate evacuation in the region comprising Fukuoka, Saga and Nagasaki prefectures. Authorities in Kumamoto, where the manga story unfolds, reported a total of 44 deaths and 10 missing persons to date.

For his part, Kosaka began publishing the manga in the magazine Young Champion Retsu from the publisher Akita Shoten in February 2017. The publisher published the sixth compilation volume on March 19, and will publish the seventh on September 17.

The play is inspiring an anime adaptation that has suspended the broadcast of new episodes since April, after having been released in the same month. The broadcast will resume from the first episode on July 7.

Synopsis of Houkago Teibou Nisshi

Hina Tsurugi is a freshman at a coastal high school and considers herself inferior to others. Walking along the embankment, she meets a senpai named Kuroiwa, who invites her to join the "Teibou" club and start fishing.

Surrounded by eccentric members, what will Hina's new high school life be like?

Source: ANN

© 小 坂 泰 之 (秋田 書店) / 海 野 高校 て い ぼ う 部


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Sweety Otaku

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