In the first issue of the magazine 2021 Monthly dragon age from the publisher Kadokawa, the final chapter of the manga adaptation of the light novels by Tomo Hanama and illustrated by Sune, Kawaikereba Hentai Demo Suki ni Natte Kuremasu ka?, (abbreviated as HenSuki), responsible for CHuN.

CHuN began to publish the manga adaptation through the magazine Monthly dragon age from the publisher Kadokawa The publisher released the fifth compiled volume on April 25 in Japan and plans to release the sixth and final volume on February 9, 2021.

Hanama and Sune began publishing the light novels through the publishing label in January 2017. MF Bunjo J. from the publisher Media factory. The publisher released the eleventh volume on September 25th in Japan and it is still in the process of being published. The piece also inspired a twelve-episode anime adaptation produced by the studios. Geek toy, Headed by Itsuki Imazaki and scripts from Kenichi Yamashita, released July 2019. There is no evidence of a second season being produced.

Synopsis by HenSuki

The romantic comedy begins when Keiki Kiryuu, a schoolgirl who has never had a girlfriend, unexpectedly receives a love letter. The letter has no sender, but white panties.

While investigating who “might be the Cinderella who forgot her panties,” Keiki discovers that every candidate is a potential pervert and they are desperately interested in their participation in their perversion.

© CHuN (著), 花 間 原著 (原著), sune (デ ザ イ ン) / KADOKAWA


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Sweety Otaku

One of the best parts of watching anime is how many times a show can surprise you. Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But if the Otaku know one thing, it's that anything is possible.

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